My Calendar – Period Tracker

My Calendar is an extremely easy to use app that helps women track their periods, cycle, ovulation and conception days. Whether you're worried about conception, birth control, contraception, or having regular periods My Calendar app can help.

How we use your Data?

My Calendar team has committed itself to protect our users' sensitive data empowering them to keep it private and safe. Our goal is to provide a service that helps our users live healthier and happier life. We do not and will never sell your data as it is against our beliefs and mission.

Why My Calendar?

Keep your data safe and away
from prying eyes

Fill in information about symptoms, moods, temperature, weight, medications, and more to get insights about your body patterns

Backup your data to protect it from loss and easily restore it on a new device

Try awesome new themes that suit every style and mood

for your PERIOD

Don't let periods catch you by surprise. Get predictions when your period or ovulation starts months in advance

Take PILLS on time

Let Period Calendar remind you about the time to take pills so you can focus on more important tasks


Find out when you may be ovulating and when you are most likely to get pregnant


Find patterns in the data you log and get the full picture of your cycle and health

My Calendar – Period Tracker

Start tracking your period, ovulation & more

Privacy Policy

AppManage Group #1, LLC (“Company“, “we”, “our” or “us”), acting under the Google Play and Apple App Store alias SimpleInnovation, understands the importance of protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains what information of yours will be collected when you download, install, register with, access, or use this mobile application (the “App”), and how such information will be used and shared. It also explains choices you have to control the collection, correction and/or deletion of such information.

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